These Are The Chapters Of Your Life!

Not as catching as "The Days Of Your Life", but it gets my point across (I hope). chapters I have worked eith many young people. Some in classroom settings, others in church settings and some as their boss. Some were finishing high school while others were preparing for their college graduation. Papers, exams, hurrying up to get finished; they could not wait to graduate.

January is mid school year. So much to finish in so little time..

Graduation will be the page for the next chapter in their life. After they enter the work force, January becomes the beginning of chaoters for many.

Chapters, there are so many. Some we want to hurry and get through; we are ready to move on. Others we want to last forever and never change. But, life changes and new chapters begin. Our lives are like a book. There is the opening sentence, the closing sentence and a lot of “stuff” in-between. Sometimes,if you become a Christian, a main theme becomes inserted. If not, your life never has a theme and the book rambles and turns, going from place to place, never quite making sense.

The main theme: Christ is the thread that holds your story together. Are your chapters well written? Is there proper transition, a thread of continuity? Is God the author of your story, or do you try to become a ghost Writer and take "the pen in hand." If so, when a game changer like a tragedy, job change or loss, birth, marriage, loved ones death, etc. can come into place. All too often your story becomes muddled and confused, lacking structure and cohesiveness to hold the story together.

If I started a blog and some one pushed me out of the way to finish what I was trying to write, confusion would be the result. Why not let the Author finish what He started?

Hebrews 12:22 (NASB)“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Or, you can go ahead and pick up the pen yourself, tell God you do not trust Him with your life and make a mess of the chapters of your story.

January. New Year. Which writer, you or the Author of your fauth? 2022