Do something, VOTE!

James 4:17 HCSB “So it is a sin for the person who knows to do what is good and does nothing.”  I bet you thought  the quote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”  by Edmund Burke was original.

I have thought long and hard about blogging regarding the election. I prayed, “Lord, if Billy Graham would just say something.”  He did.  After watching David Jeremiah I was thrilled.  But, today when reading this scripture in James I realized that every one of us as Christians needs to speak out, so I am taking to it my blog. 

I have one question:

One day you will stand before your Lord and explain what you did in regards to November 6, 2012, a day that will change America forever.  I am not being dramatic.  Everyone knows it is a crucial point in time for America.    The Lord will ask you, “did you vote for Me?”.  God is our creator … did you vote for Life.  God instituted marriage between a man and a woman, did you vote for marriage.

Maybe you felt the economy, foreign policy, medicare and jobs were more important to God? The truth is God, our Creator,  will not ask you about your economy, job, or health.  He will ask you, did you vote for ME?

As a parent, will your child look at you in the years to come and ask you why did you not do something when you could?

NOVEMBER 6, 2012 you can do one of three things.

1) Not vote, not get involved

2) Vote against God’s word.

3) Vote according to God’s word.

Don’t let satan* block you, deter you or convince you that your one vote won’t make a difference.  Then, call someone and convince them to vote.  No matter HOW long you have to stand in line, VOTE for God, He spends a lot more time on you then an hour in line.

November 6, 2012 DO SOMETHING, VOTE! 

*satan, devil – I know people capitalize the “S” or “D” but, I don’t.  I refuse to give him any status of importance.  He’s a snake, so satan, devil, etc. are lower case, as he is one.