Moving on, step by step.

Wednesday at 4:30PM I meet with Nuerology department/stroke clinic. My checkup mostly and new questions.

They said I would have the headache the rest of my life. But, now it goes away hours at a time. I have yet to go a whole day, in these 31 months, pain free. Recently it has changed. There have been more ice pack days, hours with my head packed in 3 -5 ice packs. I think it is barometric pressure causing the extreme headache. The weather has been weird; below freezing in FL is not norm. It intensifies my senses even more. I am over sensing in all areas. I still am easily startled, still have verbiage issues at times and still have very low endurance. I tire easily, especially on OT work days.

My right side has been strange (left brain damage). Normally it is “novocaine feeling” 24/7. But, recently there have been times of intense pain and no numbness. It is like my brain is trying to wake my right side up. You know when you have novocaine how you cannot feel but, you “sense” and can control? My right side is like that. The insides of my mouth and throat are like that. I strangle easy if I do not think to “control” it.

My short term memory has improved. I am better at locating memories. I am always working on processing. and am writing down incidences to talk over with the doctors.

I so want them to reduce my Meds from 2000mg/day. I know of patients on 15mg. The side affect is “talkative “ and long writings 😉. I can read short paragraphs again and remember what I read. I can write without rambling as much (I hope) and in a shorter amount of time. This will probably take me an hour. In the beginning it would have taken hours, even days.

The doctors said what ever benchmarks I had achieved by six months is what I would live with the rest of my life. It is 31 mos later and I am still healing, improving … achieving. I will never be 100% of the old me. I will keep driving Phil nuts with the new me. But, I can be 100% at this new me.

The doctors are not sure what to do with me. We have known of 7 stroke victims since mine. I am the only one alive. I also am working full time. I tell them my Master Physician knows what to do with me. 😀 Mark 5:27-29, 34 I know not what tomorrow holds. But, I know: God is still on His throne, still in control. None of this surprised Him. He loves me and cares for me. He has a plan and I can trust Him.

Thank you all for prayers and encouragement on my journey. I would have never chosen this path. But, when there is only this path you can sit down and be stuck or, allow Him to carry you. I choose to have Him carry me forward, step by step. Trust. Obey. The more you trust. The more you obey. The more you obey, the more you trust. Trust. Obey. Moving forward, step by step., “Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.”

3 thoughts on “Moving on, step by step.

  1. Renee, Miraculous is the only word I have to describe you and all you have been through. You have that Belle Isle strong constitution but more importantly, you have an awesome God who is not finished with you yet. I’ll continue to pray. I love you more than you know.

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